What Do You Believe an Outburst of Anger Can Do to Your Energy Levels and Those of Your Loved Ones Around You?
Have you ever considered the impact of an angry outburst on your energy levels and those around you?
Drains energy: Anger depletes your energy, leaving you feeling exhausted.
😩Hurts relationships: It can hurt and alienate loved ones. 💔Destroys trust: Damages relationships and can lead to irreparable harm.
🥀Causes regretful actions: Leads to actions and decisions you might regret later. 😞
Results in financial loss: You might lose job opportunities or face other financial setbacks due to uncontrolled anger. 💸
If you find yourself entering emotional turmoil, it’s important to understand that anger often stems from anxiety.
As a hypnotherapist and anxiety coach, I’ve found that:Fear causes inner pressure.
Anxiety builds up pressure inside, like a bottle. ⚗️
Pressure release: If this pressure isn’t managed, it needs an outlet. 🚪
Anger as stress relief: Often, this release comes out as anger. 🌋
The good news is that anger stemming from anxiety is something you can change—it's not written in stone.
📝 Addressing anxiety can significantly reduce anger. One effective technique is distracting the mind.
When you feel anxiety building up, try this tactile exercise to stop the overflow in its tracks.
Tactile Grounding Exercise: Find an object: Pick up an object nearby, made out of soft fabric, like a cushion, the jacket you are wearing at work, a rounded pebble outside in nature , or even a stress ball.
Focus on texture: Close your eyes and focus on the texture, temperature, and weight of the object. Let your mind explore every detail. 🖐️
Stay present: Concentrate on this sensory experience for a few minutes, allowing it to distract and calm your mind. 🧘♀️
For loved ones on the receiving end of anger, it’s crucial not to try reasoning with an angry person in the moment—they won’t be able to hear you due to the fight mode they are in.
Instead, try to remain calm, breathe deeply and wait until the waves are calmer. 🌊
If things get out of hand, leave the situation, assuring your partner that you will be there for them once they have had time and space to calm down. 🤝
By using these techniques, you can manage your anxiety and prevent it from turning into anger. This approach not only reduces angry outbursts but also promotes emotional well-being for you and those around you. 🌱
If this blog post has affected you, feel free to get in contact with me to talk about it without any obligations. I'm here to help. 📞
Warmly yours,
Barbara Eva 💜